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Dyslexia Assessments

Learning to Read

I offer full diagnostic assessments for dyslexia.  These can be carried out in the student’s own home, or in school subject to the school’s permission.  After your booking has been made and a date booked, I will require a deposit; once paid you will receive all important documentation regarding the assessment, this will include forms for all parties to complete.  


There is a range of tests that will need to be conducted and these assessments can take on average between 2-3 hours to complete.


Once the assessment has been carried out, a full diagnostic report will be written. This will explain the results of the tests and provide recommendations for suggested support to be put in place.  On occasion, there may be cause to suggest further investigation by other professionals.


After you have received the report, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.


**Please note, assessments can only be carried out in person**




A full diagnostic assessment for dyslexia costs from £545 depending on location. If you require a payment plan, please get in touch to discuss.


What is Dyslexia and how do I know if one is necessary?


Dyslexia is a difficulty with learning that mainly affects the skills needed for accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. It could be that your child’s teacher has raised some concerns about their ability to learn while in class, It could be that you have some concerns from observations you have made at home. If you are unsure, please get in touch so we can have a chat about it.

Dyslexia occurs across the range of intellectual abilities. Co-occurring difficulties may be seen in aspects of language, motor coordination, mental calculation, concentration and personal organisation, but these are not, by themselves, markers of dyslexia. A good indication of the severity and persistence of dyslexic difficulties can be gained by examining how the individual responds or has responded to well-founded intervention." (Rose Report 2009)

In addition to these characteristics, the BDA acknowledges the visual and auditory processing difficulties that some individuals with dyslexia can experience and points out that dyslexic readers can show a combination of abilities and difficulties that affect the learning process. Some have strengths in other areas, such as design, problem-solving, creative skills, interactive skills, and oral skills. (British Dyslexia Association definition of Dyslexia, 2019)




Where does the assessment take place?


The assessment takes place in the student’s home where they are most comfortable. Alternatively, I am fully insured so it can take place in the student’s school if that can be arranged.

How long does it take for a full assessment?


The assessments can take an average of 2-3 hours to complete, this is due to the quantity of assessments needed. I will offer the students rest and comfort breaks during this time. If I decide that the student is tiring, then we will break and complete the remaining tests at another date.


Do I have to have the forms completed before the assessment?


Yes, to gather all the background information and the difficulties that the students are experiencing that led to the assessment being booked, I need to have all forms no later than 2 weeks before the assessment. Failure to return the forms in good time could lead to the assessment being cancelled and rebooked.


Why diagnose?


A diagnosis of dyslexia can often help the student understand why they are having certain difficulties and help them realise their strengths and weaknesses. It can also help give them strategies to enhance their learning. A diagnosis of dyslexia is life-long; therefore, the report can be referred to at any time in the future.

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